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Employee Spotlight: Keri-Anne Powell, RBT

¿A dónde llamas hogar?

I live in Londonderry, but I grew up in Everett, MA, and Derry, NH!

¿Cuántos años llevas trabajando en el campo ABA?

I have worked in ABA since 2015, so it’s been almost eight years professionally. I was first introduced to ABA in 2008 when I was babysitting for a family that had two children with autism – it was an incredible opportunity to learn about the field when I was only 13.

How did you end up in the field of ABA?

I was working for a program in the Derry school district since 2015 and wanted to expand my education and experience in the field. I came across Applied ABC, and after interviewing, I felt that I could grow with this company.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

The most fulfilling part of my work is seeing how ABA therapy affects the families and not just the clients themselves. You can see the change in the family’s understanding and quality of life as a whole. It’s wonderful to be a part of that!

How do you unwind after work?

I love to dance! I was a dancer in high school, and I continue to dance at a studio in Derry whenever I can. I also like to go to the gym, hike, or spend time with my son and family after a long day.

What are some interesting facts about yourself?

Something interesting about me is that I have seven sisters and two brothers. I also play piano, love to try new things, and go on adventures.

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