¿Está el mejor centro de autismo cerca de mí?

You may ask yourself, “Where can I find the best autism center near me?” and not know where to begin. Before locating the perfect autism treatment center for your family, let’s break down what an ABA therapy center is and what makes this form of treatment special. What Is an Autism Therapy Center? An autism […]

Enseñar habilidades de conversación a un niño con autismo

As a social species, humans have an innate desire to communicate and socialize with one another. It’s why we aren’t formally taught how to have a conversation, as it’s a skill that develops naturally for many people. However, there are both neurodivergent and neurotypical people who aren’t natural conversationalists and struggle with holding dialogue with […]

Fomentar la autorregulación en el autismo: comprensión, estrategias y actividades

What Is Self-Regulation? Humans are a social species by nature, and self-regulation is the process by which people orient themselves to be good members of a social group. Without self-regulation, humans would succumb to base desires regardless of the consequences that might come from engaging in such acts. However, most people acknowledge that others will […]

Por qué es importante aprender habilidades de atención para los niños con autismo

Teaching attending behaviors to children with autism can help improve socialization skills and retention of information. Attending skills may also prove useful for individuals without an autism spectrum diagnosis. Many counselors and therapists adopt attending behaviors for the comfort of their clientele and to make them feel heard through the demonstration of active listening. Even […]

¿Qué es Manding para niños con autismo?

Manding Definition Mands are verbal indications of a want or a need that a child learns to communicate early on in their life. While mands are a stepping stone toward clear social interaction, the underlying motivation for a child’s request is what truly gives manding meaning. The context of a child’s mand is an important […]

Cómo el pensamiento estratégico puede ayudar a una niña con autismo

Introducing Abstract Concepts Due to a tendency toward literal usage of speech, teaching strategic and abstract thinking to individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) comes with its difficulties. However, developing more flexibility in thinking can help those with autism progress in their interpersonal skills and improve their quality of daily life. When teaching a child […]

How To Promote Self-Care For Children With Autism

Everyone’s definition of what it means to be healthy is a bit different, but self-care is certainly something that shouldn’t be ignored – especially for those with autism spectrum disorder. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines self-care as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote/maintain health, prevent disease, and cope with illness and […]

What Is Misophonia And How Does It Affect Children With Autism?

Defining Misophonia Since Pawel Jastreboff coined the term “misophonia” in 2001, clinicians have sought consensus on a definition for the disorder. In 2021, experts conducted a study and concluded that misophonia can be defined by a low tolerance for specific sounds and triggering auditory stimuli. Most commonly, triggering stimuli for people afflicted by misophonia are […]

How To Teach Observation Skills To A Child With Autism

What Is Observational Learning? Observational learning occurs in social settings where a learner views a model — a parent, teacher, or peer — displaying a behavior, and then the learner adopts that behavior as their own. Learners can acquire behaviors through observation even without direct intent from the model, which can lead to the adoption of […]

5 Common Safety Concerns For Children With Autism

As a parent, your child’s safety is often on your mind. For those with a child diagnosed with autism, the worry may become an all-encompassing part of your day-to-day life. Although some level of concern will always be there, gaining awareness about what to do about safety issues and how to prevent potential problems could […]

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