How Nutrition Affects Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Nutrition is key to a healthy life. There is strong evidence supporting the positive effects of eating a healthy and well-balanced diet consisting of organic foods, fruits, and vegetables. Quality diets also limit processed foods. Often, individuals with autism spectrum disorder have limited food repertoires, engage in food refusal, or have rigidities about food. This […]

Applied ABC At The Georgia Race For Autism

Applied ABC at the Georgia Race for Autism It was a beautiful day to connect with the community at the Georgia Race for Autism in Lawrenceville, GA, earlier this month. Despite the incoming storm, the weather was great, the sun shone, the breeze felt wonderful, and the race participants came in flocks. As the Fall […]

The Benefits Of Music In Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy For Children With ASD

Music, A Universally Understood Language Music is powerful. It can influence our emotions, attention, cognition, and more. Not only is it great entertainment, but we’ve found many therapeutic uses over the years: A stimulus to better focus on work A teaching tool to improve memorization A motivator during physical therapy Interacting with music – whether […]

Why Building Rapport During Autism Therapy Is Important

Now that you understand why parent involvement is important to ABA therapy, it’s time to talk about what an ABA therapist can do to build rapport with the families they support, and why establishing a quality working relationship is so important to therapy outcomes. What Does Building Rapport Mean in ABA Therapy? When thinking about […]

What Is Natural Environment Teaching In ABA Therapy?

Have you ever tried learning something new by watching a video or following a written set of instructions? When it was time to put all that learning to work in a real-life environment, you may have found it to be totally different than anticipated. The same concept holds true for children with autism spectrum disorder […]

Why Parent Involvement Is Important To Autism Therapy For Children

ABA therapy has proven to help many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) live more fulfilling and independent lives. Yet, despite various success stories, there may still be apprehension from parents and loved ones before jumping into therapy. Making sure parents are involved, supported, and educated about ABA therapy is often just as important as […]

Applied ABC Sponsors Autism Awareness Day At The NH Fisher Cats’ Stadium

Darkening thunderclouds hovered above the stadium as the opening crack of bat to ball opened Autism Awareness Day at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester, NH. The NH Fisher Cats were playing the Richmond Flying Squirrels as families receiving autism therapy services from Applied ABC checked in with staff wearing their grey and navy-blue autism […]

How Does Modeling Work In ABA Therapy?

Whether it’s finding out how to cook a new dish from an experienced chef or perfecting a new skateboard trick from an online video, picking up new skills through observation is key to learning. For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who receive applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy, this style of learning, also known as […]

5 Myths About Autism Spectrum Disorder

Myth is often a foundational aspect for societies to attribute meaning to the unexplainable. A story or an observation is passed down from person to person until its origins or merits can be left unremembered and unquestioned. Joseph Campbell, an American writer who focused primarily on mythology and its relationship to the human experience, said, […]

At-Home Autism Activities: 3 Summer ABA Ideas That Promote Incidental Teaching

Summer is here, and for many parents, that means extra time with their children at home. For children with autism spectrum disorder receiving ABA therapy, participating in fun, structured activities offer fun opportunities to practice and learn social skills through incidental teaching. What Is Incidental Teaching? Incidental teaching is a teaching procedure where the specific […]

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