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Employee Spotlight: Tiffani Nelson, Assistant Director

¿A dónde llamas hogar?

Home for me is Port Antonio, Jamaica. However, I live in Atlanta GA.

¿Cuántos años llevas trabajando en el campo ABA?

5 years

¿Cómo terminaste trabajando para Applied ABC?

I initially worked for Applied ABC while living in New Jersey in 2020. I had recently completed college in May 2020 and stumbled upon Applied ABC on indeed. They offered flexible hours and tons of home cases close to me. Unfortunately, due to Covid, my client discontinued services and I transitioned elsewhere. 2 years later I moved down to Georgia and began to work in the center.

¿Cuál es la parte más satisfactoria de tu trabajo?

Supporting an environment for children to grow. Children are absolute magic, getting to see different clients hit milestones and acquire functional ways to communicate their needs is one of a kind. I get to be a part of life changing moments for clients and parents, and I am truly grateful for that.

¿Cómo te relajas después de un largo día?

Georgia has a ton of state parks and walking trails. Getting active after work and hitting the trails is the perfect reset for the end of a busy workday. Surrounding myself in nature breaks the day up for me and helps me practice gratitude in everything I have.

¿Cuáles son algunos datos interesantes sobre ti?

During my childhood I loved musical theatre and acting. I was in a pepperidge farms goldfish commercial with Dwyane Wade in 2010!

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