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Employee Spotlight: Kailah Jenkins

¿A dónde llamas hogar?

I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. I relocated to GA in 2019 and have lived here ever since.

¿Cuántos años llevas trabajando en el campo ABA?

This year, 2024, will make three years since I have been in the ABA field.

¿Cómo terminaste trabajando para Applied ABC?

When I moved to GA, I worked in special education in the public school district for two years. While studying psychology and child development as an undergrad student, I came across ABA and fell in love with the idea of it. I’ve always preferred to work with children in smaller groups or one-on-one because it allows me to develop deeper connections with the children I work with and tailor my teaching approach to meet the child’s specific needs. And ABA allows me to do just that!

What’s the most fulfilling part of your work?

The most fulfilling part of working in ABA is witnessing the progress of the clients I’ve worked with. Every day, I am amazed at their progress and how far they have come. I am deeply grateful to be able to improve the quality of their lives and make a life-long impact!

¿Cómo te relajas después de un largo día?

After a long workday, I like to practice meditation and yoga. I genuinely believe that if we do not take care of ourselves, we are no good to anyone else, so I do my best to prioritize the wellness of my mental health. One of my favorite quotes is, “Self-care is Community Care”!

¿Cuáles son algunos datos interesantes sobre ti?

Growing up, dance was life! I trained in ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, modern, and African dance for 18 years! Dance will always be a passion of mine, and it will always have a place in my heart! Another fun fact: in 2019, I went skydiving in Las Vegas, Nevada, and it was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. Skydiving allowed me to conquer many of my fears, and after my jump, I felt like I could do anything!

¿Podría hablarnos de una historia de éxito significativa que haya tenido con un cliente?

I used to work with a client who struggled to overcome challenging targets and activities. I introduced the technique of taking a few deep breaths before starting, and I always encouraged him, letting him know that he could do anything he put his mind to. And I will never forget the first time he paused before working, took a few deep breaths, and said to himself, “I got this,” without any prompts from me! That moment almost made me cry, and it was definitely one of my proudest moments!

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