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Employee Spotlight: Joshalyn Esparza, RBT

¿A dónde llamas hogar?

I tend to have a bit of a wandering soul, so I call several places home. I was born and raised in Idaho, which will always be my “Idahome.” After graduating from college with my first degree, I moved to Florida, where I lived for six years. I still visit Florida several times a year to see my friends and their kids. After leaving Florida, I lived in California for a year. And this October will officially make it one year living in Maryland.

¿Cuántos años llevas trabajando en el campo ABA?

I am coming up on one year of working in the ABA field. Before becoming an RBT, I was a para-educator and a nanny. Both of these jobs sparked my interest in ABA and helping children. I plan on continuing this career path and am working on becoming a BCBA.

¿Cómo terminaste trabajando para Applied ABC?

As a para-educator, I discovered my love for helping children with special needs. I was planning to move out of California, and when I began putting my resume out, Applied ABC reached out to me within a few days. After talking with some company members, I knew this was what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be.

From that moment on, I began the transition from California to Maryland to start this new career.

¿Cuál es la parte más satisfactoria de tu trabajo?

The most fulfilling part of my job comes from seeing the difference I am making in my kiddos’ lives. From hearing my kiddos speak multiple words for the first time to seeing their faces light up when they master a program. I also enjoy hearing the families talk about how far their kiddo has come with our ABA services.

¿Cómo te relajas después de un largo día?

I enjoy coming home and walking my dog at the end of a long day. We take walks around the neighborhood and adventure in some regional parks too. I also enjoy binge-watching Netflix and Hulu shows, catching up with girlfriends over a glass of wine for movie nights, and finding new hobbies such as meditation and yoga!

¿Cuáles son algunos datos interesantes sobre ti?

Some interesting facts about me are that I have been to 40 states and that I plan to visit all 50 states by the time I turn 30. I love road trips and have driven across the country five times.

I also have an Associate degree in Culinary Arts, a BA in Psychology, and working on my Master’s degree in Psychology. I love gaining knowledge about the human mind and my career field and want to further my journey as I work toward becoming a BCBA.

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