Our First Applied ABC Provider Summit

Applied ABC hosted the first-ever Provider Summit on March 16, 2023. Four providers presented on a variety of topics that was in line with Applied ABC’s mission to deliver family-centered ABA services to clients and families. This was an optional event, but if you are interested in watching, click here. 2023 Provider Summit ABA Topics […]

Takiwātanga: The Māori Phrase Used To Describe Autism

What Is Autism? Autism is defined as a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition of variable severity that is characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behaviors. The spectrum looks different for every person diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The Māori are an indigenous New Zealand culture who […]

What Is Echolalia And How Does It Affect Children With Autism?

According to ancient Greek mythology, Echo was a mountain nymph cursed to only repeat back what was spoken to her. She was cursed by Hera, queen of the gods, after lying about the whereabouts of Hera’s husband, Zeus. Later, Echo met Narcisus and fell hopelessly in love with him, yet she couldn’t act on her […]

Breaking Free From The Mask: Learning To Embrace Your True Self With Autism

Understanding Masking: Behavioral Camouflage Masking, also called camouflaging, is a social phenomenon where someone attempts to disguise or suppress specific traits or behaviors that may be deemed unacceptable, inappropriate, or even embarrassing by societal norms. Masking will vary from person to person, but examples of children with autism masking can include: Forcing or faking eye […]

Reading Across America: Books To Spark A Love For Reading In Children With Autism

Book Recommendations for Children With ASD This year, Applied ABC is participating in Reading Across America to share our love of reading. This is why this past week, we’ve been sharing book recommendations for children with autism on our Facebook and Instagram pages. With each recommendation, we included brief descriptions of the stories, why they […]

Reading Across America: How To Encourage A Love Of Reading In Children With Autism

The Benefits of Reading Founded by the National Education Association in 1998 to commemorate the life of Dr. Seuss, Reading Across America was created to promote and encourage children to read. Reading is an important skill, and providing the resources and support necessary as a parent or caregiver is an investment in your child’s future. […]

Identifying & Alleviating Provider Burnout In ABA

The demand for Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) and Board-Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) are currently at an all-time high. Unfortunately, for those already in the field, many have reported high levels of burnout and an excessive amount of work responsibilities. Due to the high levels of burnout being reported, it is important that providers are aware […]

Why Is There A Wait For An Autism Diagnosis?

Getting Started Is the Hardest Part Like most things in life, finding where to begin seems to be the most difficult part. This certainly rings true for seeking a diagnosis and treatment for your child with autism. You may have concerns and have already spoken with your child’s pediatrician before being placed on a waiting list […]

The Importance Of Early Intervention For Children With Autism

Early intervention describes the services and support that help children and their families with developmental delays or disabilities. Some parents might hesitate for various reasons, but research and studies have backed the importance of early intervention for many years. Why Early Intervention Is Important Early intervention for autism means you can make sure your child […]

Top 5 Reasons To Become An RBT

Rewarding Career Paths Are you looking for a new career path? One with opportunities for growth, financial stability, and the chance to really make a difference in people’s lives? If you’re ready to elevate your career and help children with autism learn important social and life skills, then Applied ABC can help you earn your […]

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