10 Tips To Be More Involved In Your Child’s ABA Therapy Progress
The Importance of Family and ABA Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a widely recognized and effective approach for helping children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder reach their full potential. While regular therapy sessions are crucial, parents play a vital role in supporting their child’s progress. By incorporating ABA therapy tactics at home, you can […]
How To Communicate With A Nonverbal Child Having A Meltdown
Understanding and Supporting Children With Autism During Meltdowns When a child has a public meltdown, it is natural for parents to feel distressed and want to stop the tears. Parents may be coping with multiple meltdowns a day over seemingly small things like an itchy tag on a shirt, loud noises, or changes in routines. […]
Why Learning To Swim Is Vital For Children With Autism
Summer Is Here The weather is getting warmer, and many people in the United States will be heading to the beach or taking a dip in the pool. For many parents that have a child with autism, going swimming isn’t at the top of their priority list. That being said, it’s often the places we […]
Sensory Safe Summer Activities For Children With Autism In 2023
Summertime means warmer weather and more free time for children while they’re out of school. Some may attend summer camps or participate in group activities like boy/girl scouts or joining a sports team. These are great opportunities for children to learn skills and meet new peers. For some learners, summer camps and large group activities […]
5 Easy Sensory Activities To Try At Home For Children With Autism
Why Is Play Important for Kids Diagnosed With ASD Play is an essential part of childhood development, but it holds an even greater significance for children with autism who may struggle with social skills, communication, and behavior. However, play provides numerous opportunities for these children to learn and grow these skills. Through play, children with […]
Understanding The Benefits And Uses Of Token Boards For Children With Autism
When learning something new, a word of praise can go a long way. Speaking positively about the accomplishments that one has made on their learning journey so far is just one way that educators can positively reinforce someone learning a new skill or behavior. For children with autism receiving ABA therapy, learning new skills and […]
How To Become A Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
What Is a BCBA? BCBA stands for Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. This is someone who conducts assessments of a client’s skills and behaviors to determine the level of intervention that is required for ABA services. ABA interventions are designed to reduce behavior barriers and teach new skills that promote independence with all clients. BCBAs also work […]
How To Become An RBT
What’s an RBT? A Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) is someone who works directly with individuals with autism under the supervision of a BCBA. RBTs work 1:1 with clients in a home, school, clinic, or community setting to provide support to individuals with autism. What Is the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)? This is the credentialing […]
Applied ABC’s 2023 Autism Awareness Month Celebration
What is Autism Awareness Month? Autism Awareness Day is April 2, and has been officially recognized by the United Nations since 2007, making this year the 16th annual celebration. While Autism Awareness Day is celebrated throughout the world, some countries, like the United Kingdom, celebrate it for a week, while the United States does so […]
4 Benefits Of In-Center ABA Therapy For Children With ASD
ABA therapy doesn’t just have to be practiced in the home. Although there are many benefits to a home-based approach to care, having a child with autism attend an in-person autism therapy center can be a life-changing experience for children on their personalized autism journey. Keep reading for 4 reasons to start in-center ABA therapy […]