Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Daniel Pineda, RBT

Where do you call home?

My home is the little town of Morrow in Clayton County, GA. I’ve lived my whole life all over the Clayton County area and spent the better half of it exploring everything this town has to offer.

How many years have you worked in the ABA field?

I became an RBT during my junior year of my undergrad after learning about the field from a professor at Georgia State University.

Two years in the ABA field, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. Now, I’m looking forward to becoming a licensed BCBA so I can do more for this company and families across the nation.

How did you end up working for Applied ABC?

It was quite an interesting journey. After completing my coursework for the RBT certification, I began to reach out to BCBAs through the BACB website for my competency assessment and was turned away by many who denied me because of agency restrictions. Except for one person.

This person gave me the chance to take my assessment and directed me to Applied ABC. This is where I started my career, and I had the chance to begin working under the very person who gave me the opportunity to shine. That man’s name is Robert Crumpton, and I owe all the opportunities and success Applied ABC has gifted me to him. He is a fantastic BCBA, a great mentor, and a good friend.

What’s the most fulfilling part of your work?

I find the most fulfilling part of my work to be the connection parents begin to make with their children after making so much progress. Often, families tend to feel disconnected because they don’t understand their children, so I try my best to create opportunities for these families to get closer. That moment when a parent can communicate with their child is priceless to me.

How do you unwind after a long day?

I love unwinding at the gym, going out with friends, and catching up on my shows. I’m a huge fan of comics, so I spend a great deal catching up on stories. When I’m not doing any of that, I tend to play video games with friends.

What are some interesting facts about you?

I am the youngest of six siblings and a first-generation graduate. I’m planning to become a BCBA within the next two years and hope to travel all over to help as many families as I can.

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